the said Hospll. for they One ensueing Happpeared plamly
That the Said Sr
. Robt. Geffery< no role >
by all the Governrs. here
Prsent unanimously Elected President of the Said Hosplls.
for the ensueing year And the Thanks of this Court are
here given to his Worspp for his great care of the Govermt.
of these Hosplls.
Also at this Court Daniell Baker< no role >
. the Present Trear
and Mr. Weston (one of the Governrs. of these Hosplls.) being
nominated for one of them to be Elected Trear of the Said
Hosplls. for the year ensuing and they being both of them
putt into Eleccon It appeared plainly That the Said Daniel
Baker< no role >
. is unanimously Elected Trear
of the said Hosplls.
for the ensuing yeare And the thanks of this Court are here
given to Mr. Trear for his great Care & Pains in the affairs of these Hosplls.
Also at this Court the Right Worspll. Sr
. Gabll. Roberts< no role >
. the Present Auditor Genrall
and the Worsppll
. Mathew Andrews< no role >
Knt. (one of the Governrs
. of these Hosplls.
being here nominated for one of them to be Elected
Auditor Generall or standing auditor for the said Hosplls.
for the Same It appeared plainly that the Said Sr
. Gabriel
Roberts< no role >
is unanimously Elected to he Auditor Generall
for the next ensueing yeare.
And the Governors. hereafter named, to Witt, Sr
. Robt
Adams< no role >
Mr. John Johnson< no role >
Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Farmery
Mr. Dept. Gardiner, Mr, Alderman Hartopp, Mr. John Cross< no role >
Mr. John Hanger< no role >
one Chosen Auditors
of Mr. Trears Accts.
for the Same years.
And for the Depers of the Keys of the great
Chest The President Trear and Auditor Gen all
Also at this Court were Elected the Comittees for the
Hosplls. of Bridewell
and Bethlem Vizt.
For Bridewell Hospll.
Mr. Trear
Mr. Pattle
Mr. Depty Coles
Lient. Coll Errington
Mr. James Smith< no role >
Mr. Aaron Pengry< no role >
Mr Meredale
Mr. Edwd. Brewester< no role >
Mr. Broughton
Mr. Peacock
Mr. Tho: Heames< no role >
Mr. Taylor
Mr. Beling
Capt Sherrard
Mr. Goding
Mr. Prider
Mr. Atwood
Mr. Herriott
Mr. Dept. Saunders
Mr. Bettison