Eliz. Wimball< no role >
P Warrt of Sr
. Robt Geffery< no role >
by Mr. Carter for being an idle Pson and
taken up late last night in the Streets and
Could give noe good attd. of her Self
To be Pass'd to Petworth
in Sussex
John Buckler< no role >
£6 & his futer
Service to be Considre.
by ye Comittee's
Upon Reading to this Court the Report of
the Comittee of Bridewell Hospll. touching the
Applicacon made to this Court by
John Buckler< no role >
Measuring and Wch. Was referred to the Said Comittee
That it is the Opinion of the Said Comittee That he
be Allowed for the three Years last past Six Pounds
And that for the Furture he have noe Yearly allowance
or Sallary, but that his Service be from time to time
considered by the Comittees of the respective Hosplls. at
Such time as they Sitt to Allow Workmens Bills. This
Court doth think fitt to Confirme the Said Report and
order the Some to be Observed accordingly.
Nich Ashby< no role >
to be
Inquired of.
Also upon the humble Peticon of
Nicholas Ashby< no role >
Cittizen and Weaver
of London (who was brought up
Cable Clarke< no role >
(late on of the Artmars
of this Hospll. decd) and Since made a Freeman of
this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court and who
is Sett up for himselfe in his Said Trade (as he alledgeth)
in Nicholls Court
in Rosemary Lane
Near Tower hill
for Some Part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable
him to Manage his said Trade It is Ordered by
this Court That Mr. Rons Mr. Dept Gardiner Mr. Bassan
and Mr. Bland (Governrs. of these Hosplls.) or any two
of them be desired to make inquiry of the Said Nicholas
Ashby whether he be Soe Sett up in his Said Trade and
of his hopefullness therein and to make report thereof
to the next Court.
Eliz: Penton< no role >
Bethlem at 2s.
Also upon the humble Petition of
John Penton< no role >
for Some mittigacon of the Weekly Paymt. of Five
Shillings for Keeping of
Elizabeth Penton< no role >
a Poor Lunatick
in the Hospll. of Bethlem