Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010393

Image 393 of 50013th July 1694

Isabella Hornes< no role > (an old Prisonr.)
To Labr. at the Parish Charge
as before.

Esther Sumers< no role > (an old Prisonr.)

Eliz. Brid< no role > This name instance is in set 2946. als Brown< no role > brought in by Mr. Cooper
Constable Pickl up by him last Night in the

Eleccon day

It is Ordered by this Court That the next Eleccon
day for these hosplls. be on Thursday the 16th day of August

Govrs. to Waite on
the Ld. Bpp of London
abt Mr. Excomunicacon}

Also Mr. Atter bury (the Minster of Bridewell hospitall)
acquainting this Court that he had Recd an Instrument
out of the Court of the Right Reverend the Bishop of London
Purporting an Excommunicacon of an Inhabitant in
Bridewell Precinct wth. he had been required to Read or
Publish in the Chapple of this Hospll Which if complyed
with may be in derogation of the Priviledge or Immunity
of this Hospll. as to Episcopall Invisdiccon Desiring therefore
the direccon of this Court therein This Court doth referre
the Consideracon of this Matter to the Right Worspl. Sr .
Bartholomew Shower< no role > Knt . (one of the Governrs . of these Hosplls.
and doe nominate and desire Mr. Aaron Pengry< no role > (one other
of the Governrs . of these Hosplls.) together with Mr. Atterbury
and the Clarke of these Hosplls. to Wait on the Lord
Bishop of London therein Case there Shall be occasion.

John Buckler< no role >
referred to the
Comittee of Bridewll.}

Also upon the humble Peticon of John Burkler< no role > for
Some Allowance from this Court for Measuring the
work of the Painter Plaister or and other workman of
Bridewell & Bethlem Hosplls. This Court doth referre the
Consideracon of the Said Peticon to thePetComittee
of Bridewell Hospll. Who are to Report their Opinions
therein to the next Court.

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