Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010299

Image 299 of 50028th July 1693

Mr. Monox's

Also upon the humble Peticon of Mr. Adam
< no role > and Mary< no role > his wife Admrx. to Anne Monox< no role >
decd who was Admrx. of Mr. Lancelott Monox< no role > late
Clerke of these Hosptls concerning the said Mr. Monox
Accounts This Court considering that the Worspll. Sr
Gabriell Roberts< no role > Knt . the Present Auditor Genall of
the Accounts of these Hosplls. and who has taken a
great deale of paines in examining and Stating the
Accounts to wth. this Peticon relates is not now prsent
in Court Doe thinke fitt to referre the matter of the
said peticon till such time as the said Sr. Gabriell
Roberts Shall be here And that the Petrs. have notice
to Attend at the same time.

Capt. Bendall

Also Applicacon being made to this Court by Hope for
Bendall (one of the Tenants of the Hosptl. of Bridewell
who holds a wharse of the same Hosptl. near King
Edward Stairs in Wapping in respect of which he is
prsented for encroachments tho' the said Wharfe is in
the same plight and Condicon as it was when lett by
this Hosptl. as is alleadged praying therefore the aid of this Court for
and Towards his Defence This Court doth nominat
Mr. Trear Mr. Samll. Baker< no role > Mr. Turvin Mr. Deputy
Brerewood Mr. Kemp Mr. Dept Gardiner and Mr.
Farmery (Governors of these Hosplls.) or any four or
3 of them to view the said Wharfe and to compare the
Dimensions thereof with the Dimensons menconed
in the Lease and to make Report to this Court After
which the said Mr. Bendall is at Liberty further to
apply to this Court.

Mary Jones< no role >
to Bethlem
at 2s: [..] d

Also upon the humble Peticon of Griffith Jones< no role > for some
mittigacon of the Weekly paymt. of 5s. towards the keeping
of Mary Jones< no role > his wife a poor Lunatick in the Hosptl. of
Bethlem he having nothing of his own and but a poor Journey
man Whitster and not able to bear the said Charge of 5s. a
weeke for his said wife It is Ordered by this Court that
Security being given to pay 2s. a weeke for her keeping there
for the future that then the same shall be accepted and the
bond for paymt. of 5s. a weeke be delivered up to be cancelled.

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