Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010252

Image 252 of 50027th January 1693

Caleb Lester< no role >
to be inquired

Also upon the humble Peticon of Caleb Lester< no role >
Cittizen and Cord wainer of London (who was brought
up Apprentice with Robert Frost< no role > Shoemaker (late one
of the Artmasters of this Hospll.) and sine made or
Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court
and who is sett upp for himselfe (as he alledgeth) in his
said Trade in maiden Lane near Covent Garden ) for
Some part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him
to manage his said Trade It is Ordered that Mr.
Whitfield and Mr. Pattle (two of the Governors of
these Hospitalls) be desired to Inquier of the said
Caleb Lester< no role > whether he be soe sett up in his said
Trade and of his hopefullness therein And to make
reporte thereof to the next Court.

John Barr< no role >
to be Inquired

Also upon the humble Peticon of John Barr< no role >
Cittizen and Glover of London (who was brought up
Apprentice with Peter Hebb< no role > Glover (late one of the
Artsmaster of this Hospll.) and since made a Freeman
of this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court, and who
is sett upp for him selfe in his said Trade (as he alledgeth)
at Mr. Miles's in Old Pye Streete Westmr .) for some
part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him to
manage his said Trade It is Ordered by this Court
That Mr. England and Mr Fillingham (two of the
Governors of this Hospll.) be Desired to Inquire of the
said John Barr< no role > whilter he be soe sett up in his
Said Trade and of his hopefullness therin, and to make
report there of the next Court

William Webb< no role >
to be Inquired

Also upon the humble Peticon of Wiliam Webb< no role >
Cittizen and Smith [..] of London (who was brought
up Apprentice with William Atsine< no role > Taylor (one of the
Artsmasters of this Hospitall) and Since made a
Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court, and who
is sett up for himselfe in his said Trade (as he alledgeth)
at Mr. [..] Burrews in Shoemaker Row in Blackfryers)
For some Part of Mr Locks Gift the better to enable
him to manage his Said Trade it is Ordered by
this Court That. Mr. Smith and Mr. Ashton (two
of the Governors of this Hospll.) be desired to Inquire
of the said William Webb< no role > whether be he soe sett up
in his said Trade and of his hope Fullness therein And
to made reporte there to the next Court.

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