Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

February 1774 - December 1783

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556070254

Image 254 of 467 April 1779

April 1779

shall meet for this purpose for the first time on such day and at such
place as The Reverend Sir George Booth< no role > Baronet shall appoint and
afterwards to meet and adjourn at pleasure

By adjournment same day

It is Ordered that a proper number of printed
Orders of Court made at the General Session of the peace holden for this
County in the month of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy
Six for the preventing of the disorders committed at Bow Fair and other
Fairs holden in the County of Middlesex be posted up in conspicuous
places near the parts where such fairs are holden

By adjournment same day

This Court being informed that the respective
Members of the several Committees appointed by the Court to consider the
Several matters referred to them were not prepared to make their Reports
pursuant to their respective Orders of Reference and desiring further time
for that purpose It is Ordered that the several Orders appointing the
said Committees and the time for their Reporting be and the same are
hereby enlarged to the County day of the next Session

By adjournment same day

The Deputy Clerk of the peace reported that having
received certain Returns from John Wilde< no role > Gentleman High Constable of
Holborn Division Thomas Hurford< no role > Gentleman High Constable of Finsbury
Division and George Elliott< no role > Gentleman High Constable of the Tower
Division in respect to the means used by them to present and Suppress
any Riots Routs or unlawful assemblies or other breach of the peace
within their respective Divisions made in pursuance of an order of
Court for that purpose on the Eighteenth day of February last

Ordered that the Consideration of the said Returning
be postponed till the County day of the next Session


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