St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

25th April 1795 - 24th September 1798

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300040089

Image 89 of 15123rd June 1796

[..] nn Kingdom Pentioner
1795 June 12 ShoesE 2.10
Octr.. 1 ShoesE 2.10
[..] t 20 un CoatW 3.6 -

1796 June 9A Pair ShoesEs: -..2..19
23 A Gown & Cold. Apron W-..12..6
Novr 241 Pr: Hose G -..2..-
Jany. 41 pair ShoesE-..2..10
June 22 gave her to buy
Gown Petticoat
& Apron-..7.6
[..] 18th. Full Cloathg. 2.3.-
1798 Jany 9 pr. Shoes2.2.10

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