[..] Mason in Workhouse
[..] s
[..] 95 April 22 ShiftsW4 -
[..] 15 Shifts Hdkf W
20 Apron Stockings
up CoatW11-
Board W
18 May1.11
[..] 21 Order into the House gave her..1..-
[..] 10 a Pair ShoesE..2..10
Coach to Guys Hospital a back twice..18..8
Admission into Hospl...4..2
full Clothing 28 Jany2..3..
Board 21 Jan 7 to 24 feby.1..1..4
Redeeming the her Cloaths out of Pawn1.1..-
[..] 4 Redeemed her Cloaths out of Pawn13.11
5 a pr of Hose G.
[..] 98 a pr of Shoes E-3/3
June 8 Mary Mason< no role >
Shift Henzie6
May 9 Shift at Hoxton