St. Clemt. Danes
Jany 4th. 1754
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry room of the
Said parish
Tho Lane< no role >
Fras Bedwell< no role >
Barthw Hammond< no role >
An Account of the State of the Watch within
this Parish was taken by Examination of the
& Beadles and it appeared, that
there are in the Dutchy Liberty
Four Constables (viz) Year
Royal Ward
-Mr. Hodgkinson Whose Collection for paymt.
of the Beadles & Watch amounts to-abt.}£37
Middle Ward-Mr. Howard-who Collects-abt.-£32
Church Ward-Mr. Woodleyabt-£18
Savoy WardMr. Huntabt.-£60
The two Beadles
Nathl. Munns< no role >
Geo Bason< no role >
Sri Watchmen who
have 9d. P Night the
Winter half Yr. & 9d. in
the Summer}£77.14s.0d
Coals & Candles are £5.0s.0d
The under Beadles Coat & hat £4.4s.0d
N. There are besides the [..]
, which are pd. by
the Constable-three prin [..]
in Norfolk Strt.
Arundel Strt. & Pals grave
head Court who are pd. by
a Subscription among the
Inhabitants of those place