St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

5th June 1749 - 11th October 1754

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362090289

Image 289 of 36715th November 1753

St. Clemt Danes Novr. 29th. 17 [..]


Fra. Bedwell< no role >
Barw Hammond< no role > }Esqrs .

The Scavengers of Church Ward 1752 paid.
in the ballance of their Account being}£5..0s..9d

The Scavengers of Hollywell Ward£2..17s..9d

The Scavengers of Drury Lane Ward£11..16s..9d

Paid Mr Hutchens Ten Pounds ten Shillings
whichmakes thetogether with Sevl. Sums to him before
Paid makes Four hundred Pounds in full of his
demands for Cleaning the Streets of this Parish
to Lady day last

and the remaining Nine Pounds five
Shillings & three Pence half penny was paid into
the hands of Messrs. Eglinton & Green wood Scavrs . of
the Middle Ward for the Prest. Year

Adjd. to Friday 21st. Decr.
at 10 in the forenoon

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