A Motion made and the Question put whether
the poor Rate for the fourth Quarter be made at 6d in the
Pound Rents
in the Affirmative
Agreed and Ordered that the Poor Rate for
the 4th. Qur. be at 6d. in the Pound Rents and that the
Vestry Clerk Rate the books accordingly
Minutes of the 5th. of May 1720
And there upon, A Motion was made & and the Question
that the Minute of the sd. 5th. of May 1720 so far as relate
to the Fees for Buryals in the upper Church Yard be
revoked and Annuled
and unanimously Carried
in the Affirmative
Resolved and agreed that the Minute of the 5th. of
May 1720 so far as relates to the Fees for Buryals
in the upper Church yard be Revoked & Annulled
A Motion made and the Question put that the Fees [..]
the Ground within the Rails in the upper Church Yard
be 4s. for adult persons above ten Years of Age
and 2s. for Infants under the age of Ten years
and that the Fees for the Ground without the
in the sd. Church Yard. be two Shillings for each person without
regard to their Age
in the Affirmative
Nem Con