Richd-Bellasyse< no role >
was called in & made a Proposal to Toll Chime and
Ring the Bells under the Direction of the Person who shall be Chosen to
Succeed the late Mr. Watson at the Sallary of £12 by the year to be
Paid him by the Vestry Keeper at twelve Portions on the first
thursday of every month in the Year and to have the Proffits
arising from the Sale of the Old Bell Ropes & Ringing Peals
A Motion made by Bartholemew Hammond< no role >
. & Seconded
by Mr. Churchwardn. Cole whether the said Proposal be accepted
in the Affirmative
Agreed and Ordered that the sd Richd Bellasyse< no role >
be retained
to Toll Chime & Ring the Bells under the Direction of the Vestry
& Sexton at the Yearly Sallary of £12. to be paid him
at twelve Equal Portions on the first Thursday of each month
by the Vestry Keeper & Sexton out of the Income of that Plan
and that he have the Profits arising from the Sale of the
old Bell Ropes & ringing Peals and be continued in his sd.
Employment during the Pleasure of this Board
A Motion made and the Question Put whether Mr. Jno.
Willet be Elected Vestry Keeper & Sexton of this Parish
in the room of Mrs. Watson decd. during the Pleasure of this board
in the Affirmative
Nemine Con
Resolved and Agreed that the sd. Mr Jno Willet< no role >
be [..] Vestry Keeper & Sexton of this Parish
during the Pleasure of this board and that the
Proffits of his Place shall Comence from this Day