St. Clemt. Danes
Sept. 6th. 1753
Vestry present
Fras. Coles< no role >
Jas. Wilshin< no role >
Ch. wds.
Rd. Lambert< no role >
Mr Heny. Chetham
Mr Jno. Gibson< no role >
Mr. Rd. Prior< no role >
Mr. Augn. Webb< no role >
Mr. Heny. Freame< no role >
Mr Thos Heath< no role >
Read and Auditted the Church Wardens Accot.
of Buryals for the Month of Augt. last
Amounting to}£3..1s..1d
At the Same time read and auditted
the Overseers of the poors Accot. for
the Same Month of August Amounting to}£209..7s..4d
Agreed and Ordered that Mr. Arboroughs house in
Hollis Street be reduced to £20. P Annum in the Poors [..]
Ordered that Eunice Dickenson< no role >
be allowed 3s.6d P
Week till further Order being very ill with a Dropsy