St Clement Danes
Novr. 1st. 1753
Vestry present
Mr Fras. Coles< no role >
Ch wdn.
Isaac Kemp< no role >
Rd Lambert< no role >
Tho Wood< no role >
Mr Heny Freame
Mr Jona Steward< no role >
Mr. Symon Pyke< no role >
Minutes of the last Vestry
Read and Confirmed
Read and auditted the Churchwardens
Accot. of Buryals for Octr. last amountg. to}£4.6s.8d
At the Same time Read & Auditted the
Overseers Account for the Same Month
of Octr. amounting to}£197.4s.3d
A Motion made by Mr Pyke and Seconded by Mr.
Freame that in case any Action or Actions be brought
against any of his Majesties Justices of the peaces
Signing Carr ants of Distress agt. any Person or persons
refusing to Pay the Scavengers Rate or the Poors rate
in this Parish or agt. any person who shall Assist
in Executing Such Warrants that Such Action or
Actions be Defended by the Church wardens and the
Costs thereof allowed them in their Account
in the Affirmative
Nem Con