St Clement Danes
July 24th. 1753
Petit Session held in the Vestry room of the said parish
Tho Lane< no role >
Fras Bedwell< no role >
Alexr. Dawson< no role >
Devereux Court
Paid his Poor Rate
Mary York< no role >
-pd. the poor Rate
Thos. Green< no role >
appeals agt. a house in Newcastel Court
Reduced to £13
Nichs- Hawkins< no role >
agt. a house in St Clements Lane
and sevl. Tenements there
Redd. to £15 for his own house
and abated the first half Years poor Rate
for his Tenements
Jno. Stroud< no role >
Appeals agt. a house in Burleigh Strt.
Reduced to £12
Mr Snow agt. a house in the Strand
Reduced to £59.
George Vitri< no role >
agt. a house in Devereux Court
Reduced to £22.