St. Clemt. Danes
April 23d. 1753
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on
Sunday last to Audit the Church Wards. Accot.
Mr. Fras. Coles< no role >
Mr Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr Heny. Freame
Mr Barthw Hammond< no role >
Mr Peter Moy< no role >
Mr. Augn Webb< no role >
Mr Abram. Mombray< no role >
Mr Nics. Maskall
Wm. Brushfield< no role >
Richd. Prior< no role >
Mr Geo. Turner< no role >
Mr Thos. Grebbe< no role >
Mr Wm Bird< no role >
Mr Thos Heath< no role >
The Accot. of Mr Wm. Gibbs< no role >
upper Church warden of this
Parish for the Year 1752 was auditted and his Vouchers
produced and Ordered to be Ingrossed agt Friday next
And the Account of Mr. Fras. Coles< no role >
Feoffee Collector of the Holborn Estate was auditted
and his Vouchers produced and Signed by the Inhabitants
Persons Set up in Nomination for Churchwardens
of this Parish for the Year Ensuing
Dutchy LibertyWestmr Liberty
Mr Fras. Coles< no role >
Peruke Maker
Mr Jas. Wilshin< no role >
Mr Jno. Bromley< no role >
Mr Geo. Turner< no role >
Mr Danl Browne< no role >
Mr Tho. Warford< no role >