St. Clemt. Danes
March 27th. 1753
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry room of the
sd. Parish.
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
Thos. Lane< no role >
Esther Carlson< no role >
Eleanr. Adams< no role >
& Jane Field< no role >
Aprehended wandering abroad late at Night & not
giving a good Account of themselves
Were Committed to Clerkenwell
till next Session
Mary Wynn< no role >
Ann Smith< no role >
Common Prostitutes
Were Ordered to be Publickly Whipt
& afterwards passed to their Settlements
Hanh. Stewart a common Prostitute found wandering
in the Streets late at Night & picking up men
Appearg. With Child
Was ordered to be passed to her
Settlemt. by a Pass formerly made
out for that purpose
Jas. Riley< no role >
& Danl Davis< no role >
found begging in
the Streets
Were ordered to be passed to
their Setlements