As also a Copy of the sd. Petition Setting forth that
the High Streets Lane & other publick Places within the
sd. City were in a most ruinous and dirty Condition
and as the Laws now Strand could no ways be remedyed
And it being the Opinion of this Board that the Laws
provided and now in force for [..] paving
Lighting & Cleansing the Streets are Sufficient for the several
Purposes intended thereby (if duely Put in Execution within
this Parish) notwithstanding the Insinuations contained in
the aforementioned Petition
Thereupon a Motion was made & Seconded and
the Question put that if any Alteration should be intended
in the sd Laws by a new Bill Proposed to be carried into
a Law that a Copy of the sd. bill be obtained & that
the Church wardens be then desired to call the Parishioners
together to consider of the same in Vestry as soon
as possible
in the Affirmative
Nem Con
Resolved and agreed that if any Alteration
should be intended in the sd. Laws by a new Bill proposed
to be carried into a Law that endeavours be used to
obtain a Copy of the sd. Bill & when so obtained that
the Church wardens be desired to call the several
Parishioners together to consider of the same in Vestry
as soon as Possible