Poor Bill now before the House being passed into a Law
that the several contiguous parishes of eminence both
in Westminster
and the County had agreed to join in
opposing the Bill, and requested the sanction and
direction of this Vestry for him to join the Solicitors
of the other opposing parishes [..] in opposing the same
Ordered that Mr. Jenning's (on behalf and at
the Expence of this parish) coopperate with the Solicitors
of those parishes in so just and salutary a measure &
that he have the sanction of this Vestry therein
St Clement Danes
1st May 1794
The Vestry met at eleven o'clock in the forenoon
of this day pursuant to Notice given in the Church
on Sunday last
Mr. Samuel Oddy< no role >
in the Chair
Mr. John Willis< no role >
Mr Evans
Mr. Shard
Mr Webb
Mr Wood
Mr. Essex
Mr Marshall
Mr Dyer
late Oversrs.
Mr Jno George< no role >
Mr Paybody
Mr Rosier
Mr Robinson
Mr Burnthwaite
Mr Nurse
Mr Sumner
Mr Gill
Mr Richardson
Mr Barker
Mr Hodgkinson
The following Inhabitants were this day chosen