St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

13th July 1787 - 6th August 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362050305

Image 305 of 3561st August 1794

St. Clement Danes
August 1st: 1794

Vestry met Pursuant to Notice,
given in Church
on Sunday


Mr. Willis in the Chair

Mr. Burnthwaite
Mr. Wingrove
Mr. Shard.
Mr. Robinson Dr. Lane,
Mr. Gill.
Mr Sivewright}

Mr George.
Mr Rozier
Mr. Collier
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Pedlingham

Mr. Nurse


Read and Auditted the Watch Account for
the Year 1793-when there appeared a Balloe,
of £90:19:11 in the Treasrs. Hands.

Watch Rate

A Rate was made for the Payment of
the Nightly Watch and Beadles for the year
Commencing Widr. 1794 [..] Ending Midst.
1795-at 5d. in the Pound

Ordd. that the Vestry Clerk do make
the Book out accordgly.

Watch Petit

Ordd. that the Watch Collector rate a list of default [..]
the beginning of Septr. that a Petit Sessions may be

Fire at

Mr. Churchn-Willis reportd. he had paid Messrs. Cartis
& Co-227:11:0-Collectd. for the Sufferrers by Fire
at Ratcliffe

John Willis< no role > ,
Churchwarden and
Chairman of the meeting

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