St. Clement Danes
June 12th. 1794
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on
Sunday last
Mr. Samuel Oddy< no role >
, in the Chair
Mr. Evans,
Mr. Webb,
Mr Wood,
Mr Collier, Treasurer
Mr Buddle
Mr Willis, Churchwarden
Mr Richardson
Mr Essex
Mr Rosier
Mr Luff
William Kitchiner< no role >
Mr Marchant
Chns Acct.
Read & Audited the Churchwardens Account of Burials for
the Month of May last, Amounting to the Sum of £2:8:4
Also the Overseers Accounts for the same Month
Amounting to the Sum of £694:14s:5d
Mr Kitchiner
Esqr. paid into
[..] Lane £210:16
reced from
[..] ste & co
[..] to applied as
[..] Minute of
[..] May
Mr Kitchiner paid into the Churchwarden's hands
£210:16:0 bring the Money received of Manning's Estate and
Securities in the Banker's hands, to be applied in pursuance of
the Minute of the 1st May last
Mr Oddy
agreed to
[..] advance suppt
[..] make up
£345:12:10 be
amt of Debts
Mr Oddy proposed and agreed to advance the
difference to make use the Sum of £345:12:10 being the
Amount of the Debts contracted by the Overseers for the
year 1792 and now remaining due on the conditions
mentioned in the Minute of 1st May