St. Clement Danes
Feby. 9th: 1786
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in
the Church on Sunday
Mr. Ireland
Mr. Gyblett..
Mr. Yeomans
Mr. Jones.
Mr. Burnthwaite
Mr. Sumner.
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. Wingrove
Mr. Perry.
Mr. George
Mr. Curtis
Mr. Perrins
Mr. Sandell
Mr. Gibbons
Mr Richardson
Mr Brewerton.
Mr Harrisson
At a Vestry this day held pursuant to an
Act of Parliament passed in the 23d. Year of
King George the 3d., Intitled, An Act for the
better Paving cleansing and Lighting this
Parish and certain Places adjoining thereto
and for Removing and preventing Nuisances.
and Annoyances therein which Notice as also
the said Act of Parliament being Read the
following Twenty One Persons were Elected and
appointed a Committee for the better and more
Effectually carrying the said Act into Execution
agreeable thereto Vizt.
Robert Butler< no role >
Wm. Kitchiner< no role >
Geo: Vaughan< no role >
Wm. Seager< no role >
Josh. Burnthwaite< no role >
John Perry< no role >
Wm. Williams< no role >
Benjn. Ireland< no role >
Benjn Kennett< no role >
John White< no role >
of Mr. Nelson
Thos. Sears< no role >
of Mr Emmott..
Mr. Jas. Birks< no role >
instead of Mr. Dewes}
Mr. Sumner
Mr. Perrins
Mr Brewerton
Mr Rust:
Mr. Gyblett
Mr. Nourse
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. Jones
Mr. Wingrove