The following are Copies of the Estimates Verba [..]
as delivered in to this Vestry
An Estimate of Plaisterer
's Work necessary [..]
done in the Parish Church for St. Clement D [..]
in the Strand
P Grace Weston
To wash, scrape, mend, & white all and
every part of the Plaisterers Work both
in the middle and side Isles & under
and over all and every part and parts
of the Galleries & the whole of the
work in the said Church,
and to provide a good & substantial
Scaffold to per form the said work, the
whole to be done in the best work manlike
manner to the good liking of the said
Parish for the Sum of Thirty Pounds}£30: [..]
To point all the Windows both inside &
outside for Five Pounds, five Shillings}£5: [..]
If the Pews, Pulpit & Organ are to be covered
by the Plaisterers; To provide Covering &
to cover them, for Four Pounds five Shilligs}£4:
Estimate of Plaistrers Work to be done for the
Parish of St. Clement Danes
Taken Dr. Heny. Wal [..]
To wash, scrape, clean, stop and white, all the Ornan [..]
and walls, and Cielings that are now Plaistered,
inside of the Church, and the two Stair cases to the
Galleries, and the little Vestry by the South Gall [..]
Satir case, To make Scaffold for doing the [..]