St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

17th September 1767 - 18th October 1776

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362030060

Image 60 of 5045th April 1768

same day


Resolved and Ordd. That the Overseers of the
Poor and all Persons who have been or may here
after be any ways concerned in the said Matter
between his Excellency and the Parish be indemnified
by this Vestry on Account of any of the said
Proceedings and that the Expences of such indem
-nity be paid out of the Poor's Rate and that the
same be allowed the Overseers in their Accounts.

A Letter from the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish of Ashby de la Louch in
Leicestershire desiring this Parish wou'd grant
a Certificate acknowledging Elizabeth Fitchett< no role >
and her three Children to be Parishioners legally
settled in this Parish

was read

Resolv'd and Ageed That the Vestry Clerk
answer the said Letter acquainting them this
Parish will allow the said Elizabeth Fitchett and
her Children 2s. Pr. Week, but cannot comply with
their desire in granting a Certificate

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