same day
Resolved that said Mrs. Chimmow be allowed
£20. for her late husbands Attendances on the
Committee of the House of Commons
pursuant to the
above motion
Lord Percy being in the Country
Sr. Henry Cheere< no role >
of Westminster
. having desired
the Vestry Clerk to present Lord Percy's Compliments
to the Gentlemen of the Vestry and other Inhabitants
of this Parish signifying that it is his resolution to
offer himself again to represent the City & Liberty
of Westminster
in the Ensuing Parliament desiring
their Interest on that occasion, which the Vestry
Clerk accordingly has done to this Vestry
Ordered That the Vestry Clerk inform the
Inhabitants of this Parish in General of the same
and write a respectful Letter to Sr. Henry Cheere< no role >
acquainting him the Vestry are Extremely glad
his Lordship intends to offer himself again to
represent the City and Liberty of Westminster
in the ensuing Parliament and that his Lordship
may be assured of the Interest of this Vestry on that
Occasion they having a high sense of his Lordships
Conduct in Parliament and sincere Attention to
the Interests and Welfare of his Constituents