Committee and Thomas Coleman< no role >
haveing proposed to Cleanse this
Parish & Pursuant to the Advertisement for Three Years from
Michaelmas next for £350: Per Annum and to allow there out £20
a Year for the Dust And to Cleanse the same for One Year from
Michaelmas next for £400: out of Which hell allow £20:for the Dust
Resolved that the making such Contract be adjourned and that the Clerk Advertise a New in the Oracle
and Herald for Contractors to deliver in Proposals the sixth
day of June next
Mr. Joseph Latham< no role >
of Blackmoor Street
now attending
and requesting leave to take up the Pavement before
his own
House in Blackmoor Street as well in the Foot
as Carriage way and to Dig therein a Vault and
undertaking to Compleat the same within Seven days
from the time of beginning it, also to be at every
Expence in doing the same and putting it in a like
Condition as at present and faithfully promiseing
to prevent every Nuisance to the Publick
Upon these Conditions the Committee grant
him leave
The Beadles haveing made great Complaint of the
want or badness of Lighting the Lamps by the Contractor two
or three nights past Ordered that he and his Security
be informed thereof and Summoned for the next
Board night
Ordered that the Clerk Summon the Committee
(to consider of the Beadles Petition) the next meeting
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >