Complaint being made of great Quantity's of Rubbish
Remaining in Houghton & Duke Streets placed there by
Mr. Henry Bennett Ordered that Mr. Bennett have
Notice to remove the same and in Default thereof, that
he be proceeded against pursuant to the Act of Parliament
Mr. Howell produced the Banker's Receipt for
£100: paid them since the last meeting.
Many Complaints being alledged relative to the want
of Convenient Passage in the footway between Temple Bar
& the corner of Essex Street
, whereby variety of accidents have
lately happened Ordered that the Committee for
wodering and improveing the Entrance into the City of
near Temple
, be informed thereof and
requested to make Covenient Passage there.
A Letter from Mr. Peter Dawson< no role >
to Mr. Prince
relative to a Nuisance committed by Mr. Saul Richardson< no role >
being read Ordered that Mr. Richardson be
Summoned to attend the next meeting & that Mr. Dawson
have Notice thereof
Ordered that another Lamp be placed in Greyhound Court
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >