Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant to
the Act of Parliament for better
Paving Cleansing and Lighting this
Parish Etc held in the Vestry Room
the 17th day of July 1795
Mr Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr WingroveMr White
The Minutes of the last meeting Read
Read the Returns of the Inspectors of Paving
and Lamps
A Bill from Wm. Meredith< no role >
the Pavior
for Work
in the Strand
by Contract £22..3s..4d One Quarter to
Midsumer last and for allowance for Duty on New [..]
at £10. P Annm. £2 10s:0d amounting to £24:13s:4d and
a Bill for Repair of other parts of the Parish half a Year
to the same time amounting to £56:5s:0d being
Read and the Inspector examined there to Resolved
that the same be paid for which purpose this
signed a Draft on the Bankers for £80:78s-4d payable
to ye said Willm Meredith< no role >
or Bearer And also a
Draft for Nine Guineas one Year's Salary to
Mr Chessall as Clerk to the Trustees due Midsumer last
The Churchwardens and Overseers having Repaid
to Mr. Burnthwaite to Mr. Burnthwaite the £250
advanced them by this Committee on the 9th. April last
in order to the Payment of the Treasurer of the County
the money Levied on this Parish for Raising Men
for the Sea Service which money has been paid
the Barker on this Committee's Account as by the Receit now Produced
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >