Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed
pursuant to the Act of
Parliament for Better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this
Parish Etc held in the Vestry
Room the 18th day of September
Present{ Mr.Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr. WhiteMr. George [..]
Mr. Rosier
The Minutes of the last meeting read
and confirmed
Read the returns of the Inspectors of Pave [..]
and three of the Inspectors of Lamps.
The Society of Clements Inn
requesting have
to take up the Carriages way Paving near the
Fore Gate of the said Inn in order to the relaying
and raising their Foot Paving and putting down
New Posts Ordered that they have such
leave, doing such Work under the direction of
this Committees Inspector, the said Society being
at the Expence of taking up and relaying such