Parish of Saint Clement Danes
19th, February 1796
Notice is hereby given that the Committee for better
Paving Cleansing and Lighting this Parish and
certain Places adjoining there to and for removing
and Presenting Nuisances and Annoyances therein
will meet in the Vestry Room of the said Parish
on Thursday the Seventh day of April next
precisely a Six of the Clock in the afternoon to
receive Proposals Sealed up and to Contract from
Midsumer next for finding all Materials Labor
and cleansing away the Rubbish and repairing
the Carriage way Pavement of so much of the
as lies in this Parish (containing about
5320 Square Yards) for 7-14 or 21 Years (at the
option of the said Committee) in a good Substantial
and Workman like manner with the best and
hardest Sort of Stone called Squared Aberdeen
Granite or Squared Guernsey Rock Stone of not
less than Nine Inches Deep, in which place the
Contractor is not to Pay down any of the old
Materials which are not Six Inches Deep, The
Contractor in his Proposal to distinguish the
Prices by the Square Yard for the different Periods and
the Security for performance of the Contract
Also to receive Proposals Sealed up and to Contract
for Cleansing the Streets and other Places under
the management of the said Committee Once a
week for One Year from Michaelmas next
The Person offering to Contract must specify in
his Proposal how much he will allow on Account
of the benefit to arise from the Dust Cinders Ashes
and other matters he will be entilled to carry away