this Committee should pay the same to him from time
to time to commence from such his Appointment an
to continue so long as such Mortgage should Remain
three of this Committee drew a Draft on the Bankers
for Six Years Salary due to him at Midsumer last
Read the Return of the Inspector of Paving
and several Inspectors of Lamps
Adjourned to the 8th January next
Wm Kitchiner< no role >
Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant to
the Act of Parliament for better
Paving Cleansing and Lighting
this Parish Etc held in the Vestry
Room the 8th. day of January 1790
Mr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. BurnthwaiteMr. Perins
Mr. BrewertonMr. Carpue
Mr. WilliamsMr. Nurse
The Minutes of the last meeting Read and
A Bill from Elizabeth Raikes< no role >
the Scavenger
Quarter by Contract to Christmas last £57:10s:4d another
from Joseph Haying< no role >
the Lamp Contractor
for the
same time £157:14s-7d another from Meredith & Son