St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

4th December 1789 - 2nd February 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361010009

Image 9 of 28718th December 1789

Read the Return of the Inspectors of Lamps
Ordered that Stanhope Street from Blackmore
Street be Repaired agreable to a Report made by
Mr Rust and Mr Nurse

Wm Kitchiner< no role >

Saint Clement

At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant to the
Act of Parliament for better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this Parish Etc
held in the Vestry Room the 18th
day of December 1789


Mr. Kitchiner in the Chair
Mr. WingroveMr Nurse
Mr. WilliamsMr Rust
Mr CarpueMr Sumner
Mr. PerinsMr Burnthwaite

The Minutes of the last meeting Read and

The Trustees for better Paving this Parish
having by writing under their hands directed
and appointed that Matthew Chessall< no role > who was
appointed their Clerk 7th. July 1783 should be paid
One Guinea per Annum as a Salary for each Optional
Street in Mortgage under their Authority and that

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