Elizabeth Siffris< no role >
Aged about forty five Years
on her Oath Says she is the Widow
Joseph Siffris< no role >
who has been dead about Ten Years with whom she
Intermarried at the Parish Church of Saint Brides
otherwise Bridget
about Twenty Eight Years Ago Says
her said Husband served Seven Years Apprenticeship
with one Captain Dunn in the Parish of Saint George
in the East
in the County of Middlesex
And that after her said Husband was out of his said
Apprenticeship never rented House paid Taxes or
lived a hired Yearly Servant for one Year
Sworn this 29th. day
of April 1769
before Us} Jno. Wright< no role >
Pet Planck< no role >
Elizth. [mark] Siffris
Witness Petr Sidebotham< no role >