St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

6th March 1766 - 23rd May 1769

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358210378

Image 378 of 38722nd April 1769


Martha Brereton< no role > Aged about Sixty Seven Years
upon Oath Says she is the Widow of John Brereton< no role >
who has been dead about Twenty four Years with
whom she Intermarried at the Fleet London about
Thirty Seven Years ago by whom she hath One
Son named William< no role > aged about Thirty Six Years
Says her said Husband was a Native of Ireland
and never gained a Settlement in England to her
Knowledge or belief And this Examinant further
saith that she was born in the Parish of Hampstead
in the County of Middlesex and never rented House
paid Taxes was an Apprentice or lived a hired
Yearly Servant for one Year

Sworn this 22d day
of April 1769 before} Tho Lane< no role > R. Butler

Martha Brereton< no role >

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