Mary Weddell< no role >
Aged about Twenty Nine
Years on her Oath Says She is the Wife
Francis Weddell< no role >
(gone from her) with whom
She Intermarried in the Parish Church of Christ
Church Spittle Fields
in the County of Middlesex
on the Eighteenth Day of October One thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty three Says her said husband
never Rented a house paid Taxes was an Apprentice
or lived a Yearly hired Servant
for one Year to the
Knowledge or belief of this Examinant Says her
said Husbands Father Rented and lived in a house
in St Martins Lane in the Parish of St Martin in
the Fields
in the liberty of Westmr. in the County
of Middlesex
for Sevl: Years at the Yearly Rent
Twenty pounds and Upwards and lived therein to the
time of his Death which happened about five
Years ago and this Examinant further Saith that
She hath not done any Act matter or thing whereby
to gain a Subsequent Settlement
Sworn this 19th Day of Decr
Before} J Fielding Thos Kynaston< no role >
her Mark M. M
Witness Petr Sidebotham