Elizabeth Forrester< no role >
Aged about 63 Years
on her Oath Says she is the Widow
Forrester< no role >
who has been dead about Twelve Years
with whom She Intermarried at the Parish Church of
Newport in Shropshire about Forty Years ago Says
her said Husband Rented and lived in a House in
Wych Street
in the parish of St. Clement Danes
in the liberty of Westmr. at the Yearly Rent of Eighteen
Pounds or thereabouts lived therein upwards of Two
Years and paid all Parish Taxes due for the same
and quitted Same about 20 Years and never after
Rented Ten pounds a Year or paid Taxes neither
hath this Examinant Since her said Husbands death
Rented House paid Taxes or lived a hired yearly
Servant for one Year
Sworn this 17th Day of Febry
Before me} Tho Lane< no role >
Elizth: [mark] Forrester
Witness Pet. Sidebotham< no role >