St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

6th March 1766 - 23rd May 1769

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358210335

Image 335 of 3876th December 1768


to wit
Susannah Andrews< no role > aged about Thirty three
Years lodging at Mrs. Taylors a Coffin Platemaker
in the Strand in the Parish of St. Clement Danes in
the County of Middx Upon Oath Says She never was
Married and that She lived a hired Yearly Servt . wth Mr.
Tostick lately deced in Arundell Street in the said
Parish of St Clement Danes for one year and upwards
at the Yearly Wages of Six pounds hath quitted said
Service abt Nine Months and hath not Since Rented
a house paid Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servant And
further upon her Voluntary Oath Says that on the 18th
Day of Novr. last past She was deld of a femal Bastard
Child at the lying Inn Hospital in Quebeck Street
Oxford Road which hath Since been Baptized by the
Name of Darcus < no role > and is now living and likely to become
Chargeable to the aforesd Parish of St: Clement Danes
Says that one John OBrien< no role > who is Servt : with Lodge
< no role > Esqr . in Northumberland Street in the Parish of
St: Martin in the Fields in the said County of Middx
had Carnal knowledge of her Body sometime in the
month of Decr. 1767 and at Sevl other times at one of
of which times he got her with Child of the Femal
Bastard Child of which She was delivered as aforesaid
And that the sd John OBrien< no role > and no other Person did to get
the same

Sworn this 6th: Day of Decr. 1768
W Kylynge

Susannah [mark] Andrews< no role >

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