St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

6th March 1766 - 23rd May 1769

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358210330

Image 330 of 38712th November 1768


Rebecca Merchant< no role > Aged about Fifty five
Years on her Oath Says She was never Married
Says She lived a Yearly Servant with Mrs:
Mary Vernon< no role > Staymaker in Stanhope Street
in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the liberty
of Westmr: upwards of a Year and Three Quarters
at the Yearly Wages of four Pounds hath quitted
said Service about five Months and hath not
Since Rented a Tenement of Ten Pounds by the
Year paid any Taxes or lived a Yearly hired
Servant with any other Person

Sworn the 12th. Day of Novr.
1768 Before
W Kelynge

Rebecca Merchant< no role >

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