Mary Jacques< no role >
aged upwards of 60
Years Lodging at Mr. Temple's near Temple
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the
Liberty of Westminster
and County of Middx
upon Oath saith she is the Wife
Jacques< no role >
(gone from her
) to whom she was
Married at Lincolns Inn
Chapel about 16 years
ago Says her said Husband
rented a House
Twenty Pounds a Year in Broad Court
in the
Parish of St. Martin in the Fields
in the
Liberty of Westminster
and lived therein
about Five Years says he hath not rented
any House or paid Parliamentary or
Parochial Taxes since he Quitted the Same
which is about Ten Years since
Sworn the 27th. day
of January 1762
Paul Vaillant< no role >
Barth: Hammond< no role >
The Mark of
Mary Jacques< no role >