Mary Webber< no role >
Aged about Twenty Three Years on
her Oath Says she never was married Rented
House paid Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servant
for One Year Says her Father
Wm. Webber< no role >
Rented and
lived in a House known by
the Sign of the Crown and
without Northgate
in the City of Exeter
for sevl.
Years at the Yearly Rent of Twenty pounds and that
this Examinant never gained any other Subsequent
Settlement And further Says that on the fourteenth day
of October last
she was delivered of a Male Bastard
Child in the House of Mr. Brickletons in
Ogden Court
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes
which has since
been baptized by the Name of
Willia< no role >
and is become
Chargable to the same she being poor and unable to
Maintain the said Child Says that one
Logan Henderson< no role >
a Lieutenant
on half pay as she believes and who now
lives at Mr. Slades a potter in
Copperas Lane
or at Mr. Ervin near Black Fryer Bridge
is the Father
thereof he having had Carnal knowledge of her Body
at his Lodgings in
Bride Lane Court
Fleet Street
in January last the particular Day she does not now
remember and at sevl. different times afterwards at one
of Which times he got her with Child of the Male Bastard
Child of which she was so delivered as aforesaid and that
the said
Logan Henderson< no role >
& no other person did beget the
same and that he is the real and true Father thereof
Sworn this 5th. day
of Novr. 1774
W Addington
Mary Webber< no role >