to wit
Hannah Underhill< no role >
Aged about Sixty Years
on her Oath says she is the Widow
Joseph Underhill< no role >
with whom she Intermarried at
the Fleet London
the Year 1771 and who has been dead about Eighteen
Years Says that her said late Husband served Seven
Years Apprenticeship
with one Mr. Smith a Poulterer
Gilberts Passage
Clare Markett
in the Parish of
Saint Clement Danes
in the Liberty of Westminster
and after he was out of his said Apprenticeship he
never rented House paid Taxes or otherwise gained a
Subsequent Settlement with hath this Examinant
since her said Husbands Death
Sworn this 20th. day
of Janry 1774
R Butler
her [mark] mark
Under hill< no role >