City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

7th January 1773 - 28th December 1773

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652130527

Image 527 of 75018th August 1773

deaf and could searcely hear any thus that was said, he saw a Pistol
on the floor and he farmd another Ball this Morning in [..] the Deced's
PocketDeponent says for 2 Months Park the Deced has been in a
very bad State of Stealth that he complained of a Violent pain at
his Stomach that he took Nortons drops that he said they affected his
head Violently, that the Pair was gone out of his Stomach, that his
Legs of towards swrelled, the Deponent advised him not to take them
he said what do you [..] I dont know whet will do we good,
Deponent Says he has observed sometimes in conversation that Le
spoke his words not plain that he varied in his account of matters
in the Country, that he said Lord whats the matter with my Tompye
I halve up words, the Deponent says the Deced the the Feathers
out of a Bad which was bought for him, that he said it was all over
Sworning with Black Lier, Deponent says the Bed was Clean and
Pee Pont Voremin, Deponent says he is of Opinion the Deced shed
was much effected,

< no role >

Arthur Geary< no role > of Gerrard Street St. Ann's Surgeon on his Oath
says that he was called for Yesterday Morning between 9 & 10 to
the Deced who he was told had short himself, upon Examinnig the
Deced he found he had viewed a Bound in the Cower part of his
Belly he peath the Ribts, and on Examining farmd there had been
a forcibly Entry by a Pistol Discharged as he imgined and as le
was informed, and form the circumscribed Clockhouse of the place
supported it was from Gun Powder, his next Enquiry was to know if it
Ball hed penechated into the Cavity of the Bailly, & by the Shoretest [..]
Search with on Insturment adpated for the purpose he did not find
that it had, upon Examination of the opposite side being depray [..]
of tracing the Ball he formed it lodged in the Intoguments, he
accordingly curt for it and took it outDeponent Says that he did
not find that the Ball had injured any Vital part, and therefore
is of opinion the wound was not the immediate cause of his Death
Says the Deced had afterwards a Convnlison fit, [..] says that way
madiately brought on by his Langishaire state of Body and from the State of
his mind form a Londe of his having done to rash or Actor, of which
he Lectred heartily sorry, said he had been long He a laguisley
that he had taken many this that he thought there was no probabilty

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