At the General QuarterSession of the Peace
of our Lord the King, holden in and for the
of Middlesex
, at Hicks-Hall
, in Saint John-Street
(by adjournment) on Thursday the sixth
Day of Aprilin the twentiethYear of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, King
of Great Britain, Etc.
It is ordered that Mr John Benson< no role >
the County Treasurer
do pay unto
Mr Daniel Henley< no role >
out of the rents and Produce of the Estates belonging to
this County the Sum of five pound five Shillings for Money paid by him for
posting up the Orders of Court for the due observance of the General Fast and
Good Friday and that the receipt of the said Daniel Henley< no role >
together with this
order shall be a sufficient discharge to the said Treasurer
for such payment
By the Court.
Receved. 19th. June 1780 the above Sum of Five Pounds five
Shillings of Mr. Benson
£5.5. -
Danl, Henley< no role >