His Grace also stated that he had received a Verbal request
from the Privy Council to desire such of His Majestys Justices of the peace
within the limits aforesaid who may have received any Informations or
taken any judicial examinations touching any Persons concerned in the late
Tumults or have committed any person to Prison for the same to transmit
as soon as possible to William Chamberlayne< no role >
. Solicitor to the Treasury
at his Chambers
No. 6
in Lincolns Inn New Square
the names of all
such persons as may have been so committed the places of their Confinemt.
together with the informations and examinations of the several Witnesses
against them or Copies thereof and communicate to him every other
Material circumstance that has occurred relative to them which may be
useful in bringing such offender to Justice and which His Grace earnestly
recommended to be observed
Resolved Unanimously that His Majestys Justices of the
now present will put into immediate and vigorous execution
all such Laws as may be condusive to restore and preserve the public
peace within this County and the City and Liberty of Westminster
will diligently enforce all such matters as have been recommended
to them by the Custos Rotulorum in consequence of the Orders of His
Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council transmitted to His Grace
Resolved that His Grace the Duke of Northumberland
be requested to inform the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable
Privy Council of the above Resolution
Resolved that a number of Hand Bills to be formed
from His Majesty's proclamation offering Fifty Pounds reward for the
discovery of any of the persons concerned in the late Riotous and Tumultuouse
assemblies be forthwith Printed and very generally distributed throughout
the County City and Liberty
Resolved that the Hand Bill be as follow
By the Kings Proclamation
Fifty Pounds Reward
Is offered to any person or persons who shall discover any other person or
persons guilty of creating, a betting and perpetrating any of the late Riots
Tumults. Treason Rebellion or Felony so that the person or persons
discovered may be prosecuted for the same the reward to be paid upon
Conviction of such offender or Offenders and also the King's Gracious
Pardon for the said offence in case the person making such discovery shall
himself be liable to be prosecuted for the same