NB: The information may be given to any of His Majesty's Justices of the peace
for the County of Middlesex
or City and Liberty of Westminster
;- The Reward to
be paid by the Commissioners for executing the office of Treasurer
of the Exchequer
The Public advertiser number 14252 Tuesday June 13th.
1780 being laid before this Meeting and the following Paragraph appearing
therein vizt. "All Ranks of People agree in Condemning the Conduct of the
"£-d £-t-t of, who from a most Criminal Negligence has
"suffered the Commissions for the peace of Westminster
to be lodged in such
"disgraceful hands. To this Conduct in the D. of N. are in fact to be attributed
"many of the late horrible mischiefs as well as the necessity of applying so
"saguinary a Redemy"
Resolved that the above paragraph is a most Scandalous
very shameful and unjust reflection on the Lord Lieutenant
and the Gentlemen
in the Commission of the peace
for Westminster
Resolved that proper means be used to find out
the author and publishers of the above paragraph in order that he and they
may be prosecuted for the same
Resolved it is the opinion of this Meeting that the most
effectual means to suppress and prevent all Riotous Meetings and tumultuous
Assemblies and to apprehend all idle and disorderly persons will be for his
Majesty's Justices of the peace
for the said County City and Liberty forthwith to
assemble in their respective Divisions at some certain place so that one or
more Justice or Justices may at all times be ready to examine such persons
as may from time to time be apprehended and brought before him or them
and otherwise act as occasion shall require
Whereupon the following Divisions were formed and
the place and time of Meeting fixed, and each Gentleman hereafter named
undertook to act in the respective division set against his name vizt.
Tower Division
William Quarril< no role >
James Spagg< no role >
James Penleaze< no role >
Jasper Clarke< no role >
John Sherwood< no role >
Thomas Tryon Cotton< no role >
John Staples< no role >
John Spiller< no role >
Benjamin Robertson< no role >
Sir John Hawkins< no role >
Rotation office
angel and Crown
this Evening
five O Clock
Holborn Division
Joseph Girdler< no role >
Gerrard Howard< no role >
Husband Messiter< no role >
Charles Triquet< no role >
David Walker< no role >
William Hitchiner< no role >
John Barnfather< no role >
Thomas Bishop< no role >
John Wright< no role >
Litchfield Street
office 14th. at Eleven
O Clock