To the Right Worshipfull her Majties: Justices of
ye Peace
for this County of Middx
Middx: ss:
The Humble Petition of
Henry Cooper< no role >
one of the Petty
of ye Pish of Sounthmims
in ye sd County
That whereas yor. Petitioners does Frequently
great Numbers of Vagrants with Testimony
and Passes from Severall remote Counties and Place
order to be sent and convey'd to their respective Place
Settlemt. and Abode according to a late Act of parli
And that your Petitionr. as well in Obedience to the
Severall Passes and Orders to him directed, As in pur
-suance of the said Act of parliamt. hath allwayes careful
Removed and conveyed the sd Vagrants att his very
great Charge, Loss of time and Expences, so that your
Petitionr without yor. Worships Favour and Further
direction in ye prmises is likely to be a great Sufferer
discharging his Office in P
[..] ye sd. Se
Wherefore yor. Petitionr. being a very poor Mat
Humbly desire this Honble: Court duely to Consider h
Case and afford him some Releif And
Yor. Petitionr. Shall
ever pray Etc
henry Cooper< no role >