The King agt. Charles Garthwaite< no role >
on the Prosecution of Willm: Twhaites< no role >
Mr. William Twhaites< no role >
Take Notice that Bail will be putt in to Try the Indictment
in the above cause (for taking and Carrying away one Promisory Note
(therein paid to be) your Property) On Friday the 18th. Instant
at Hicks's
Hall in Saint John Street
between the Hours of
twelve and one of the Clock in the afternoon And the Bail are Mr. John
Coombes< no role >
of Charing Cross
Eating House in the Parish of Saint
Martin in the Fields Victualler
and Mr. William
Bates< no role >
opposite the Royal Oak
in Maid Lane in the
Parish of St. Saviour Southwark
I am
Yr Humble Servant
Edwd: Denton< no role >
for the Sd Chas: Garthwaite< no role >
17th. April 1760
party 50
Plea 25.