At the General Session of Oyer and Terminer holden
for the County of Middlesex
at Hicks Hall in Saint John
in the County aforesaid by Adjournment on Tuesday
the Twenty Sixth day of February in the thirty third Year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second King
of Great Britain Etc before
Thomas Niccol< no role >
Francis Bedwell< no role >
John Derbyshire Birkhead< no role >
Bartholomew Hammond< no role >
and others their Fellows Justices of our said Lord
the King of Oyer and Terminer.
The King
James Hamilton< no role >
and Eliza O'niel< no role >
The Defendants standing Indicted in December Session last
for a Conspiracy and Misdemeanor It is now Ordered & directed
by and with the Consent of the said Defendants and their Council and
of Council for the Prosecution that the Tryal of the said Defendants Traverse
be Adjourned untill and he had on Tuesday in the next Session to wit the
fifteenth day of April next And the same is hereby adjourned accordingly
And the said Defendants are hereby referred to the former Orders of Court
made in the said Cause whereby they are severally Ordered and required
to find good Bail before
Saunders Welch< no role >
Esquires of his Majesty's Justices
of the Peace
for this County and to give Twenty four Hours Notice thereof to
Mr. Strong of New Inn the Sollicitor
for the Prosecutors before Bail be taken
And the Sums in the Recognizance of such Bail was directed to be taken
in Two hundred Pounds each Principal and One hundred Pounds each
Bail for either of the said Parties.
By the Court