At the General Quarter Sessions of the peace of Our
Sovereign Lord the King holden for the
County of Middx
at Hicks Hall
in St. John
in the said County on Monday the 4th.
Day of July in the Eleaventh Year of the
Reign of Our Sovereign Lord King George
the Second of Great Britain Etc
and in the
Year of Our Lord 1737
It is Ordered by this Court that the Churchwdns.
and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Saint
Paul Shadwell
in this County have Notice of
this Appeale and that they and all persons concerned
do attend this Court on Fridaythe eighthday
of July Instant
at nineof the Clock in the forenoon
to hear and Abide by the Judgment & Determination
of this Court touching the said Appeale
By the Court
Petition & Appeale
St. Anne
Chr: Theed< no role >
St. Paul Shadwell
Concerning Wm walker< no role >
July Sessions 1737
St. Dunns Sevl. Appellts.
to be hd. Fr: 9cl
App: alld. by consent of
Mr. Benne for
Mr. Theed for Appellts