To the Right worshipfull his Majestys Justices of the
for the County of Middx
in General Quater
Sessions Assembled
The Humble petition & Appeale of the
Churchwardens & Overseers of ye poor of
the Parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate
in London
That by Vertue of an Order or Pass Warrant Under the hands
& Seals of
Peter Guerin< no role >
Esqr. &
Val: Hilder< no role >
Esqr two of his
Majestys Justices of the peace
for ye sd. County of Middx
one whereof is of the Quorum bearing Date the 10th day of May
1736 In the tenth Year of his prsent Majestys Reign One
Lee< no role >
was removed from & out of ye Pish of St. Paul Covt.
in the Libty of westm. in ye County of Middx into the sd.
Pish of St. Botolph without Aldgate
London as the place of her
Last Legall Settlement
Yor. Petrs. therefore humbly Conceiving them-
selves Aggreived by ye sd. Order or pass Warrant
Do Appeale Agt. ye Same & pray that ys. Honrble
Court will Please to Order the Churchwardens &
Overseers of the Poor of ye sd. Pish of St. Paul
Garden and all parties Conceived to appear
Some day at this prsent Sessions to hear & abide
ye Judgmt. & determination of this Court
touching ye said Appeale